configuration options
- Tool provided by Storage vendors
- OpenFiler Open source DOS
- Manual Setup using iSCSI protocol
(Ubuntu 12.04)
Ø Install iscsitarget,
iscsitarget-source, iscsitarget-dkms package
Ø Format the
disk and create the partitions as per your requirements. ( I have 10 GB for OCR
&Voting Disk; 61 GB for oracle storage).
Ø edit /etc/default/iscsitarget. Change the
default value of ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=false over to ISCSITARGET_ENABLE=true.
Ø Define LUNs
in /etc/iet/ietd.conf
Target pts0012
LUN 0 Path=/dev/cciss/c0d1p5,Type=fileio,ScsiId=lun0,ScsiSN=lun0
― 0th LUN is mandatory.
― Make sure there is no space in LUN
Definition above and every parameter is separated by “,”
Restart the
service iscsitarget
Initiator (All
RAC node RHEL5)
Ø Install iscsi-initiator-util package.
(Make sure that you have iscsi version >= iscsi-initiator-utils-
Ø Edit /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf and set
node.startup = automatic
Then restart the initiator:
/etc/init.d/iscsi restart
Make sure iscsid service is
configured to start at system boot up
$ chkconfig
--list iscsid
iscsid 0:off 1:off
2:on 3:on 4:on
5:on 6:off
Using CHAP authentication
for security : Edit /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
following entries :
= <<sanusername>>
= <<sanpassword>>
Ø Discover the target using command
$ iscsiadm –m discovery –p
<<Target IP>>:3260
Ø View detected nodes
$ iscsiadm –m node
Ø Login to
the LUNs ( use same sequence to login on all nodes so that the attached devices
names will be identical )
$iscsiadm -m
node --targetname “<<inq name of first LUN>>" --portal
“<< Target
IP >>:3260" --login
Ø Verify
the sessions
iscsiadm -m session -P3 | less
Ø Now in $fdisk
–l all newly attached iscsi drives will be shown ( make sure every LUN
of storage has got same Device name on all RAC nodes)
Ø Format newly
added drives from any ONE node and use $partprobe to push
partition table on all other nodes
Ø Verify on all
nodes if newly attached drives are showing valid portions using fdisk -l
For more details on Storage Initiator
setup and RAC Ethernet tuning refer :
With the increasing demand for networking of content,the analysts predict that the demand for enterprise network storage system will hugely rise within 5 years and will account for 75% of all computer hardware expenditures.
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