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PostgreSQL 9.1 Vs 9.2 vs 9.3 - Part2

In last post I explained PostgreSQL 9.1 Vs 9.2  In this post I will explain 9.3.

PostgreSQL 9.1 Vs 9.3
I)     Stability: PostgreSQL 9.3 released on 9th Sept 2013.
II)    Performance Improvement:
  • Collect and use histograms of upper and lower bounds, as well as range lengths, for range types 
  • Improve optimizer's cost estimation for index access
  • Improve optimizer's hash table size estimate for doing DISTINCT via hash aggregation
  • Suppress no-op Result and Limit plan nodes 
  • Reduce optimizer overhead by not keeping plans on the basis of cheap start-up cost when the optimizer only cares about total cost overall
III)    Other Key New Features:
  • Streaming-Only Remastering:
    "Remastering" is the process whereby a replica in a set of replicas becomes the new master for all of the other replicas. For example:
    1. Master M1 is replicating to replicas R1, R2 and R3.
    2. Master M1 needs to be taken down for a hardware upgrade.
    3. The DBA promotes R1 to be the master.
    4. R2 and R3 are reconfigured & restarted, and now replicate from R1
In prior versions of PostgreSQL, remastering required using WAL file archiving. Cascading replicas could not switch masters using streaming alone; they would have to be re-cloned. That restriction has now been lifted, allowing remastering from just the stream. This makes it much easier to set up large replication clusters; administrators no longer have to set up an online WAL archive if they don't need one for disaster recovery.
  • Allows replicas to be promoted in less than a second, permitting 99.999% up time.
  • Add optional ability to checksum data pages and report corruption
 IV) Compatibility:
No negative/breaking Changes been done in on 9.3 over 9.2, as per 9.3 release notes.
V) Cost of Upgreadation: 
After going over the release notes of protgreSQL 9.2 and 9.3, following are my recommendations:
1. 9.2 has significant performance improvement on optimizer side, with few MUST HAVE features.
2. pg_stat_activity and peripheral views has structural changes, so need to evaluate monitoring tools stability.
9.1 to 9.2 has significant performance changes and must be upgraded.
With 9.3 most of the changes are done on Admin utility and replication areas. Not significant changes on optimizer side.
Direct 9.1 to 9.3 migration could also be considered.
I have explain the process of upgrading from PostgreSQL9.1 to 9.3 at  Upgrade PostgreSQL 9.1 to 9.3 - Step by Step



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