Consider following servers: Master (Production site, Actual production Master site. Storage Server ( Master would put WAL archived logs on Storage server from where the Slave would pick it up & restore. Slave (Hot Standby Server, Slave would keep on restoring archived WAL files. This would be exact replica of production site. It would be use for read only queries & if production server crashes then Slave would take over the operations. Steps for Replication setup: Install the PostgreSQL binary on both Master and Slave servers. Make sure disk mount points for data directory and tablespace directories are same on both the servers. For postgres user setup password less ssh connection between Master, storage and Slave; so that they could copy files across the network. Storage setup: Mount disks & Create storage Directory Grand read-write permission to postgres user. Export this storage directory and op...
Thinking Through Technology.... To design any system put your Business Standard and Technology together keeping them rightly disjoin....